
Given by past workshop students

“When I go on a photography workshop I am looking to the leader to put me in front of interesting places at that special time that it gives me the best chance to capture a memorable image. Additionally, I want someone who is fun to talk with and share a meal with since we know we can't be shooting all day. With Bob Copeland you get just that kind of leader. Obviously Bob knows his photography but he is also a well traveled, well read, and fun companion that will make the trip a great experience.”

-Ed, Main 2019

“I had the opportunity to attend a photography workshop given by Bob Copeland in Tuscany. The itinerary of places we visited, the accommodations, meals, and, most importantly, instruction were superb. Bob created a casual but effective atmosphere that helped me immensely in developing my photography skills. He is an outstanding photographer, teacher, and friend.”

-Michael, Tuscany 2018

“My experiences traveling with Bob Copeland on several of his workshops in America and to Cuba and Tuscany have been nothing less that terrific. He in very a very good teacher, mentor, artist and companion, always knowing when and where to capture the best pictures while having the most fun. I hope to travel with him many more times.”

-Jerry, Cuba 2018, Tuscany 2018, Maine 2018

“I attended workshops with Bob in Cuba and in Maine. Being my first trip to Cuba, I was a little nervous about the trip, but with Bob's knowledge of the country and shooting locations, and the expert skills of the guides and interpreter, the trip was amazing. Bob also has a good knowledge of the Bar Harbor and Acadia areas of Maine and my first trip to Maine was also great with Bob as a workshop leader. Bob knows the areas and where to be and when for his photography workshops. In addition to good shooting locations, you will never go hungry during Bob's workshops!”

-Rosemary, Cuba 2018 Maine 2019

Tuscany, Italy

“This is a great trip. The hotel is beautiful with a swim pool and spa that is wonderful. So relaxing and peaceful. The rooms are roomy and very comfortable. Bob has done all the legwork for you, so all you have to do is get out your camera gear and shoot. The hotel is top notch, and the restaurants he took us to were fantastic. I mean fantastic! Everyday we would get up and shoot sunrise, usually near the hotel, which has a fabulous view, by the way. Every day was different due to weather conditions. The last day there the light and ground fog produced some magical lighting and effects. After the sunrise shoot we would go back to the hotel for breakfast and cappuccino. The hotel has a fantastic buffet breakfast that puts any hotel I’ve been to in America to shame. After breakfast we would head out to explore. We went to several different walled medieval cities on top of hills, which are all over. I could spend the rest of my days exploring these places. Each one is different from the last one, and 700 years old and older, and beautiful. We could shop, photograph, or have a glass of wine. I did all of those things and more. I have a new favorite wine from this trip.We toured a winery and a pottery factory.Later Bob would take us to another fabulous place to shoot sunset. Anywhere you set your tripod down is prettier than the last. I don’t know if you can make a bad photo in this place, especially with Bob as your guide. He knows all the great places. After the sunset shoot he would take us to another wonderful restaurant for dinner. It was all just fantastic. The wine, and the food. and the photography. I don’t know what was my favorite part. Bob is a great teacher as well, and spent time trying to ensure that everyone came away with a little more knowledge than they started with. And some beautiful photos. He taught us some post processing things that were new to me as well. This is my second workshop with Bob, and I don’t plan on making it the last. Highly recommended.”


“Cuba was the first country I visited that wasn’t Canada or Mexico. Bob took care of all the logistics for us, which took all the stress away. He has been there before, I'm guessing several times. He hired a driver and a local guide, which was a brilliant move. The guide got us into some places that we may not have been able to see otherwise. The lodging was nice, and the restaurants he took us to were all pretty decent. It is a lot of family style meals there with wholesome country style food. We went to a subsistence farm belonging to a friend of our driver. They welcomed us and invited us into their humble home like we were long lost friends. They fed us freshly picked bananas that were delicious and nothing like the ones we get here. It was simple and ridiculously tidy. The pots and pans were hung on the wall, and old and dented, but polished so there wasn’t even a char mark on them. (It made a really good photograph, by the way). We photographed the countryside, a fishing village a cigar factory, a tobacco farm, as well as around all Havana. Bob was attentive to everyone's needs, and spent time with each photographer. We were all at different levels, one lady was even using just a cell phone, and Bob worked with us all and gave us all just what we needed, beginner to advanced. He is an excellent teacher, and we all came away with amazing photos. We walked a good bit, not too much though. It is a pretty easy trip, and Bob is pretty good about tailoring the tour to everyone's abilities. We found the best place for Mojitos and appetizers (near where we were staying, bonus! I loved the time I spent in Cuba. The people were warm and friendly. The old cars and old buildings and crumbling infrastructure is a photographers dream, although the poverty is tough to see at times. You can tell that at one time it was a wealthy, happening place, and now they don’t even have paint to put on their walls. Bob knows all the best places to go to make amazing photographs. He is a great teacher as well. I can’t recommend him enough!!!”
